If your question is not addressed here, please send an inquiry to: psycadmin@lcsgxgy.com or psycgrad@lcsgxgy.com. Students with questions about the MA and PhD Programs in Clinical Psychology, as well as the School Psychology Certification Program, should contact gradclinical@lcsgxgy.com.
Can I take graduate psychology courses as a non-degree (non-matriculated) student?
No, the Psychology Department does not allow this. However, other programs at Montclair State University do allow coursework to be taken in their departments.
When are the graduate courses offered?
We offer graduate courses during the fall and spring semesters. Some courses are offered during the winter and summer. Classes are offered in the daytime, as well as the late afternoon and evening.
If I currently hold a master’s degree, do I still need to submit GRE scores?
No, applicants who possess a master’s degree can have the GRE requirement waived by Montclair State (note: this does NOT apply to PhD applicants).
Do I need to take the GRE Psychology Subject Test for admission?
No, we do not require the subject-specific exam.
When are the GREs offered?
Please visit the ETS website to determine the available dates, times and locations to take the GRE.
Are graduate assistantship (GA) positions available in the department?
Yes, we do offer GA positions and the number of those vary from year to year. They are highly competitive positions. If you are interested in being considered for a GA position, please indicate such on your graduate application. There is not a separate application for this.
How do I know what courses I should be taking toward my degree?
Upon acceptance, you should contact your Program Director or the Graduate Programs Coordinator in order to prepare a work program that will outline the coursework needed for your degree as well as identify electives.
What if I decide I’d like to take a different elective from what was indicated on my work program?
If you would like to take another course in the place of a selected one listed on your work program, you must get approval for that course before taking it. Taking a class not listed on your work program without receiving prior approval may cause problems for a student’s ability to complete their remaining requirements and graduate on time.