A tree in the fall with the leaves changing colors and a window behind.

Staying Safe

The Safe

“The Safe” is a vending machine initiative out of the Office of Health Promotion and the Student Health Center. Our goal is to provide the campus community with increased access to important health-related items. Please see the links below for more information on the various products available in the vending machine. Please call the Office of Health Promotion at 973-655-5271 or the Student Health Center at 973-655-3459 with questions.

If you have a suggestion for an item you’d like to be offered in the vending machine, you can send your request to askanurse@lcsgxgy.com.

Location: The Safe is located on the 1st floor of the Student Center, near the ID card office.

Payment options: For items that require purchase, you may use any major credit card. The charge will appear on your account as “Health Center” but will not include a description of the item purchased.

Items Available In the Vending Machine:

  • Over the counter items for managing respiratory symptoms/allergies/other minor illnesses (Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Daytime and Nighttime cold, cough drops, allergy medicine) Guidance for respiratory illness from the CDC
  • Condoms
  • EContra, a form of Emergency Contraception, similar to Plan B. Please note that EContra/Plan B may not be the right form of emergency contraception for you if you weigh more than 165 lbs. You can call the Student Health Center at 973-655-3459 to obtain Ella (confidentially!) if this is the case!
  • Personal care items (tissues, contact lens solution, menstrual products)
  • Pregnancy tests It’s important to note that pregnancy tests are only accurate 2 weeks after unprotected sex. Whether your test is negative or positive, you can call us to discuss your options confidentially. We will support your decision no matter what!
  • Narcan is provided to us for free from the New Jersey Harm Reduction Coalition. See their website for information on proper use, how to identify someone experiencing opioid overdose and more. If you need help with substance use or need more resources, visit the University’s Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Project page.
  • Considered a critical component of “Safer Use Supplies,” free Fentanyl Test Strips are also provided to us for free from the New Jersey Harm Reduction Coalition. Visit their website for information on proper use or to order additional kits free of cost.

Remember, the Office of Health Promotion provides a variety of services to promote a healthy campus community including health education workshops and outreach, free safer sex supplies and peer to peer conversations. All services are focused on topics relevant to college health including safer sex and sexuality, alcohol and other drugs, stress, sleep, body image and mental health. Visit them at the Drop-In Center or send them an email at healthpro@lcsgxgy.com.

The Student Health Center offers a wide range of confidential services including STI testing, birth control, physicals, sick visits, vaccines and gender-affirming care. You do not need to have health insurance through the University to access these services. Call 973-655-3459 to schedule an appointment.


PrEP stands for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis.  If you think you may be at higher risk for HIV, please make an appointment with a health care provider at the Health Center to discuss HIV prevention and all of the options that are available to you.

For more information and resources:

Red Hawk Ready Medical Alert Kit

The purpose of this program is to assist the University Police Dept (UPD) and campus Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to assist and accommodate you in the case of an emergency. You will receive a medical card and a sticker. Fill out the medical card and keep it with you at all times, preferably in your wallet. The sticker is placed on your Montclair State ID card. In the case of an emergency and UPD or EMS cannot communicate with you, they will see the sticker on your ID and then look for the medical alert card. The card may provide pertinent information that would assist in your care.

You can obtain the card and sticker in the following locations:

  • Student Health Center, Blanton Hall
  • EMS Office, Student Center, Student Center Annex, Room 210
  • Disability Resource Center, Susan A. Cole Hall, Room 331